Talyshis ProfileThe Talysh are a nomadic people who live along the Caspian Sea in Iran and Azerbaijan. Most are Shia Muslims, however, there are some communities of Sunni Talyshis. Talysh women are also internationally known for making some of the finest Talış rugs.
There are currently an estimated 912,000 Talysh speakers. In a 1926 census, there were 77,039 Talysh in Soviet Azerbaijan,
Talyshis today, 1800,000 reside in Azerbaijan.
Geographic distribution
Talyshis live in a diverse landscape, ranging from the forests of the Talysh Mountains to the subtropical areas around the Caspian Sea. Those living in Azerbaijan are concentrated along the Caspian Sea in the provinces of Lenkoran, Astara, Lerik, Masalli and Yardimlii. Baku and Sumgait are two large cities in Azerbaijan with significant Talysh communities.
Historic Hardship
Historically, the Talysh have had a class-stratified society with khans and beks. As with feudalism, there has been exploitation by those in power, who have often demanded rigorous work in exchange for very little compensation. In the 1920s, many Talyshis were incorporated into the Azerbaijan Soviet Republic where they were forced to classify their nationality as Azerbaijani. Z. Akhmedzoda, a poet and highly regarded Talysh public figure, was one of the most outspoken critics of Soviet repression. He died in 1942 after being sent to Siberia.
Ongoing Hardship
The Talysh of Azerbaijan have joined several other ethnic minorities to speak out against various governmental policies that they find discriminatory. Calls for autonomy and the legalization of a Talysh political party have topped Talysh concerns; they have advocated for active participation in political decisions.
Talyshis also struggle with their identity in Azerbaijan, where they face a dilemma between the traditions of Central Asia, the Islamic traditions of the past, and the pull of more Westernized culture.
The 2001 U.S. State Department’s Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for Azerbaijan pointed out that despite the existence of minorities, such as the Talysh, in Parliament, their political presence was not truly representative. The report also noted that the Farsi-speaking Talysh are regularly discriminated against due to Talysh involvement in various separatist movements.
The Talysh are very concerned about the sustainability of their culture without educational programs. In Azerbaijan, there are no media or educational programs in existence to ensure that their culture survives as the pressure to assimilate intensifies.
Persian Kuhha-ye Tavalesh, Russian Talyshinskiye Gory, mountain chain, northwestern Iran, in the northwest section of the Elburz Mountains, extending southeastward from the Azerbaijan border to the lower part of the Safid Rud (Safid River). Few peaks rise above 10,000 ft (3,000 m). The humid subtropical coastal lowlands along the Caspian Sea lie at the eastern base of the mountains. - Talish DaglariFars (iran) Kuhha-sı - Siz Tavalesh, Rus (Rus dili) Talyshinskiye Qanlı, dağ silsiləsi, şimal-qərb İran, Elbrus dağlarının şimal-qərbi bölməsində, Safid Rud-un (Safid River) daha aşağı hissəsinə Azərbaycan sərhədindən cənub-şərqi artıraraq (uzadaraq). Bir qədər pik 10 000 futu (3 000 m) üstələyir. Dağların şərqi əsasında (bazasında) Xəzər dənizi yalanı boyu rütubətli subtropik sahilboyu ovalıqlar.
Taleshi (or Talyshi and also Tolashi) is the language of an old nation in the north of Iran so called Talesh. Taleshi is also spoken in the southern parts of the Republican of Azerbaijan which separated from Iran after a famous political treaty between Iran and Russia, the so called Turkamanchai Treaty. There are, in the north of Iran, 7 cities that speak Taleshi such as Masal, Rezvanshar, Talesh, Astara, Fouman, Shaft and Masoleh. However the only city whose people speak exclusively Taleshi is the township of Masal. In other cities, in addition to Taleshi language, people speak Gilaki and Turki-Azari. In part of the Republic of Azerbaijan, most of the villagers speak Taleshi and people in cities speak Turki. Generally speaking, the written books and texts concerning Taleshi are rare. However, In the recent decades a scientific and research movement has come about in this old region in poetry, history, literature, etc. for the sake of a new generation of graduated youth from universities.*
Талышский язык.Талы́шский язы́к — язык северо-западной группы иранских языков , на котором говорит народ талыши . Распространён в Талышстане (юг Азербайджана и прилегающие районы Ирана ). Число говорящих — ок. 200 тыс. человек. по официальным даннм, до 1 млн. — по неофициальным. Талышский язык является прямым потомком или ближайшим родственником староазербайджанского языка (азари или азери), распространённого на территории Азербайджана до прихода сельджуков . Позднее большинство населения Азербайджана перешло на азербайджанский язык , относящийся к тюркским языкам. Из живых языков к талышскому наиболее близок язык зазаки (хотя, по устаревшей классификации, зазаки считался диалектом единого курдского языка , однако другие курдские диалекты — или, по современным данным, языки — стоят от талышского довольно далеко). Ближайшим родственником талышского языка был килитский язык , существовавший в Ордубадском районе Нахичеванской области вплоть до полного перехода местного населения на современный азербайджанский язык . В 1929 году для талышей СССР была создана письменность на латинской основе. В 1938 году она была переведена на кириллическую основу, но не получила распространения по ряду причин (в том числе политическим). Талышский алфавит 1929—1938 годов
A a |
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Ç ç |
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Ә ә |
F f |
G g |
Ƣ ƣ |
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Ş ş |
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Ƶ ƶ |
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Современный талышский алфавит
A a |
Б б |
В в |
Г г |
Ғ ғ |
Д д |
Е е |
Ә ә |
Ж ж |
З з |
И и |
Ы ы |
J j |
К к |
Л л |
М м |
Н н |
О о |
п п |
Р р |
С с |
Т т |
Y y |
Ф ф |
Х х |
Һ һ |
Ч ч |
Ҹ ҹ |
Ш ш |
В последнее время наблюдается рост интереса к талышскому языку, связанный с ростом национального самосознания талышей. На сегодня сельское население Талышистана почти полностью владеет родным языком. Однако городское население в этом сильно отстаёт от сельского.