Some alazheny have husbands. Husband alazhen «kuleybany» - large shaggy creature with an enormous nose. Name Kuleybana vevropeyskuyu entered literature in the form of Caliban. In addition alazhena, fatal to newborn creature is «Shashai». This is a small female type creature that is less a cat, black. Shashai attacking a child on the 6 th day after birth. She comes to the child who sits near the mouth and choking. In order to protect the child from Shashai, the 6-th day after birth, the room where the child with his mother, going to women and children throughout the night guard, not asleep, supported by all-night lights and close the child in the cradle of the fishing net. In that case, if, Pace aspirations woman fell asleep, it is necessary, in a room at the threshold to put bread and butter, then Shashai entered the room, eat bread and butter and do not touch the child. It should be noted that many noarodov the first days of life, quite rightly, considered to be particularly dangerous for the child. So as a cause of danger are the evil spirits, a night protecting the child. Karachai consider dangerous first seven days, why every night in the room rodilnitsy gather the girls and spend time in the game, protecting the child from the attack Obure. The most dangerous is considered seventh night, the so-called «stym keche» or «bastyryklangan» - nightmarish night. Do IMER protection of mother and child is made 15 days, each night hold night vigil, a night guard: rodilnitsy going into the house, happy dance, like the game. We have already arranged guriytsev this only once - in a week or two after birth. The Serbs like similar entertainment around the bed rodilnitsy in 3rd and 7 th night, with the next, so that no one fell asleep. Greeks on. Rhodes guard rodilnitsu 40 days. Negros eastern Central Africa considered particularly dangerous first seven days, etc. etc. network to protect the child from evil spirits was used in earlier times everywhere in Georgia: in Kartli, Meskhi, Imereti, Guria.
In the fence rodilnitsy and child from Talyshs as the dr.narodov, the prominent role played by amulets and talismans. At birth hinged as amulets in the form of prayers «duvo», and in the form of different kinds of objects, beads, buttons, stones, etc. By the way, sometimes on the neck birth, on the advice of znaharok, hang bone vydaaemye for bone alazhena, «alazheni chig ' »(bone of the ankles alazhena). Dostavlennny me a copy of «alazheni chig» was a human vertebrae. Prayers «duvo» hang on to protect children from evil spirits, sickness, etc. Who mrut children to save the life of a newborn, take a mullah or another specialist for that part of the special prayer «duvo». Folk healing. Great habit to be treated at home healers and resort to superstitious means, as well as the inadequacy of proper medical care in the village is the reason that Talyshes currently are treated with traditional healers, hang on a prayer, talismans ( «duvo») or resort to magical rites . Any sudden, unexpected illness is due to evil eye. Treat him well. Make the dough balls 7. ( «Chashma gyulyul») and place them in the fire. If one or two of them from the effect of the heat burst patients now recover, as the burst causing him to an eye disease. These bread balls, then you need to distribute to the seven roads. Receive applied against the evil eye and other nations. Disease in which cramps in his side, called the "Sanjaya" and treated so that the sore spot starts archery arrow. This is done as follows: The patient gives lered keep-them-a wooden cup-t 'abahi. Doctor with a wooden bow and arrow became the outside at the door, but inside the room near the door becomes a different person. Healer from behind the door Interviewer: "Sanjaya, Sanjaya, where art thou?" Standing inside responds: "I am from Mount Sanjaya." Question and answer are repeated three times. Then the doctor enters, the room and puts an arrow in t'abahi. The disease then must pass. Arrow and bow are made specifically for this case, usually of osier tree. As described receiving treatment "urchin" affect the belief in the magical force of the arrows: the Devils drives, drives the disease. Receive this there is probably somewhere in the nomads of Asia, whence came in medieval Persian lechebniki; the reception was magical then, and in the Georgian lechebnikah - karabadinah "usually translated from Persian. In one such "karabadine" follows a prayer against tumor breasts: "Anas Zedan, banas Zedan! Said about arrows. Take a bow from the hips and the dress, boom. When you say this prayer against the tumor, it is necessary to depress the arrow. Colic in the side of the Georgians in antiquity treated quite the same as Talyshes. In 1903, I have seen this ancient reception Kakhetia: to put more patient side, wooden. chalice (tabahi) and fired into it from a bow an arrow. Onions made of twigs kizila, arrows of reed and its tip of the branches of fig. The same magic receiving treated "tingle" and Azeri Turks in the county Nuhinskom: annex to bolnomu.mestu wooden kitchenware three times fired an arrow from a bow. In addition to magic methods of treatment applied and remedies of plant, animal and mineral origin, as well as various kinds of receptions, really helpful in appropriate cases. When abdominal pain drinking mint tea in the water. When you tingle to place the patient is put in water namochennuyu warm ashes. To destroy scab rub Burian. If the warm people vypet cold water, she, according to Talyshs stops inside, in which case the stomach to put the bottle with hot water, doing it for seven days in succession. According to Dr. Ilina, in chronic rheumatism and slice wrap the patient in the skin, svezhesnyatye with a dog, jackal, or an ass, but when placed in the patient gemoroe cut in half pig. As is known, in svezhesodrannye skin fold of patients and other Caucasian peoples: the Abkhazians, Circassians, Karachai and others from scabies, observation of the same Dr Ilina, many are not treated, in the conviction that knowledge prevents gemoroya . I also conveyed that a doctor treating itch in a way: in a cup of water lowered silver money, and then wet in this water hand ter rawness, and the disease was alleged. Currently, the itch-disease often bathe in mineral springs. External wounds, cuts, etc. Talysh medics treated as say, with great success, that there had been noted and Dr. Ilyin.
Wedding customs. Prior to the establishment of the Soviet-talypi joined in marriage: men mostly between the ages of 15-20 years, 12-16 years old girls. Sometimes, to be in the house worker, married 5-6 year old boy to a girl 14-15 years of age. Polygamy in the mass of the population was relatively rare. Took a second wife if the first had no sons, or when the need was in the house of an employee. Sometimes they took off the second wife of the vanity, to show the richness, giving the opportunity to pay kebinnye money and for a second wife. Abduction bride, until recently, was quite frequent yavlniem. By kidnapping, like other nations, engaged primarily in order not to pay for the bride kebina. Size kebina before the war was 50-100 fogs money and, moreover, some household objects: a rug (the Golden Horn), a samovar, copper utensils, etc. Bride for the young people usually choose their parents. Outlining a suitable girl, the parents of a young man sent two artful women pozondirovat way - out, can I count on the success of matchmaking. Women go in-house as a bride to visit and try to, as would be the way, learn from the girls, or more frequently of his wife's brother, mother, give whether intended for this and that. Mother of the bride is sometimes just makes it clear, given or not, are also referred to the need to discuss the case with the father of the bride. The proposal being discussed by parents of girl in a strict secret from outsiders, and the decision to allow parents to know the groom through a woman sent to the corresponding request. The fact that preliminary talks about being married women, and that the consent to the issuance of a girl coping primarily with her mother or the wife's brother's mother (that is, from the wife's uncle to the bride's mother), is a sequel once existed Talyshs matriarchy. . With parental consent to marry the girl, the father of the groom, a few days later sent to notify the father of the bride on that tomorrow or the day after he and so many honorable men will come to visit. At the same time, the father of the bridegroom sends to the bride's parents' home the meat, rice, butter, chickens, etc. that came with the provisions remain in the house of the bride and was cooked foods. When the father of the groom to the honorable men will be the home of the bride, relatives and neighbors tudasobirayutsya bride and congratulate the two fathers of the words: "Khudu mymbarak bull", that is. From obnovkoy! We organize this feast is called "sipirisha polo" plov for Beloborodov pilaf or for the elderly ( "sipi" - white, "Rishi" - beard). If the guests live far away, still spend the night, and if close, after the food dispersed to their homes. If the interval between sipirisha Polo "and the wedding will have a holiday of Kurban Bayram, the father of the groom, according to the custom, the bride's parents sent a sheep, cloth, paint Hain (henna). Some time later, after "sipirisha polo" in the house of the bride's parents arranged a new food "shini (Turks from the" width ") - sweet. Father of the groom should be sent to "shini" the necessary number of provisions: meat, butter, rice, etc. In the preparation of foods, women are involved from both the bride and groom. At shini "invited only men. Women are also at this time going in the room and the bride rejoice separately. After entertaining the guests dispersed; ostayutsya.tolko close relatives of both parties and the mullah. When the parents of the groom to agree on the amount of kebina cause nevestuchv next room, and the mullah asked whether she agrees to marry so-and-so. Answer ' "agrees" to be present at this hearing the witnesses. Then the mullah asked the bride, who will be its representative or the trustee at-marriage. The bride calls the father or brother, but in the absence of any relatives. The same trusted and appointed by the groom. Returning to the common room, Mullah kebinny act is read and set prayers. Kebinny contract is signed and Mullah entrusted bride and groom. The marriage is concluded, and from that moment the groom should not appear on the eye test (mother-in-law may be) and can not go to the house nevesty.Spustya a while the bride's father invited the fiancé to a certain number of comrades in guests on "konag'lyh" (from "konag 'friend, guest). After konag'lyha "bridegroom gets the right to see father, but the bride did not see the device mozhet.Posle" konag'lyha "if the father would need assistance in any work of (male or female - is indifferent), it sends to him, that he was in such a day, and brought so many people for the job. Participants of "help" get food, which is arranged by the son-in-law. This kind of "help" is called "Zomo-Koya" - son-in-law assistance. When the father of the groom prepare for the payment of kebina (money and belongings), appointed the day of taking the bride. Pre-groom's father sends the matter to the bride wedding dresses with provisions for women's events. This event is called "alatoburyn - Cutting dresses. By going to the bride and female relatives and a neighbor is brisk and the ball is selected rasporyaditelnitsey. She takes the matter, nadrezyvaet her little scissors, and leaves. All at once, say the same greeting: "Khudu mymbarak bull", ie with obnovkoy! Then the feast begins. This is, so to speak, Cutting ceremonial dress. Actual sewing a wedding dress comes through 5-6 days. To this end, a bride going to the girls, sometimes married, her relatives and neighbor. Groom provides for food products - rice, oil, meat, etc. On the part of the groom is specially chosen by women "Daina". After entertaining the head of the bride put paint "Hain" (henna). This rout in the house is arranged prior to the taking of the bride and the bride is called «yrdabo». On this same day, the groom arranged a junket for the men, his comrades and friends, and Hein placed on arms, legs and head groom. Revel in the house of the groom is called the "tries". At. The next day committed torzhestgenny transport the bride to the house of the bridegroom. A crowd of young people from the bridegroom's relatives and friends, with music and dzhigitovkoy, as of old, and rifle firing, sent the morning for the bride. Got to the house of the bride, the crowd stops and waits out the bride. Meanwhile, the bride outfit in the way, and it put a bit if not all of her dresses (3-4). When the bride is ready to leave, there is at the threshold, the closest relative of the groom - an uncle or brother - three cincture her sash, and twice only tracing her waist sash, knotted in the third, then three times puts her head, his hat (two times touches hat to his head and withdrew, while the third leaves hat on his head). During the ceremony, he says on the Azerbaijani-Turkic language: "Nanam, Badji, Kyz gyalin, Caddo kaamaty dyuz gyalin!", Ie His mother, sister, a virgin bride, no vices. Fiancee. Then on Talysh said: "From thee I wish that you had seven sons and one daughter!" In doing so, it obsypayut rear mukoyu, which, incidentally, is also dry. At this time of the mother of the bride goes home and, referring to the representative of the groom, said: "Money for me to give my milk!" And he gives her, in spite of, 3-5, sometimes 10-15 rubles. Then, covering the bride's head, a red handkerchief, put it on the horse and bring to the house of the groom, with the shooting, dzhigitovkoyu, songs. Note that the red cover is closed the bride for many people: Armenians, Kurds, Persians, etc. When the procession come to the house, someone from the home before the groom cut the threshold of the house sheep. The head of a sheep thrown in one direction, the body to another, and the bride enters the house between the body and head sheep. - Cleaning the ritual, practices, as you know, in Persia - At a meeting of senior officers to protect against any CHAR and welfare. It just crossed the threshold of the bride at home, home obsypayut groom her head with money, rice, etc.; this - a custom common among many peoples and is aimed at providing the richness and abundance of earthly goods. At the same time, the bride hold the cup with honey; bride dips in the medical arm and puts her to the door. Platband. Cup of honey and then put on the head of the bride. Honey, this then must eat seven boys. These seven boys are likely to ensure the birth of the seven young sons. Podnesenie bride at the entrance to the house of the bridegroom, honey, sugar and other sweets, from magic to ensure the sweetness of marriage, the custom in so many peoples: Georgians, Armenians, Abkhazians, Mountain Jews, and others. The bride enters the room. Here it meets the mother of the groom, or if it's not the most honorable woman in the family. She welcomes the bride and said that gives her a cow or buffaloes, and said: your house, sit down! "The bride is in a corner of the room and stands there all the time, closed red scarf. The bride pristavlyayutsya Two Women" Daina ", one of her relatives, the other from the groom. After a drive in the house of the bride groom arranged a feast, continuing until the evening. In the evening, all odds; remain only "Daina" bride and groom. "Daina" the bride takes the hand of the bride, "Daina" the groom takes the bridegroom, brought their friend a friend and then removed.
The enemies and detractors can spoil the bridegroom - to write a prayer ( "dovo"), which would deprive him of male power. To counteract this kind charam close groom write another prayer. If this seems small, the groom to bathe in cold water, or force it to get to the osier derevo.Utrom Dine usually inspect sheet. After the first: red veil wedding night ( "sa duag") is removed from the bride, and she goes, closing the scarf his mouth and nose. Seem to open the person is considered to be disrespectful to the parents of the groom. It starts to open a young schenschina show home only after a year or two after the wedding. In the presence of outsiders, it also usually cover the mouth and nose for ten years after the wedding. In the northern part of the day Talish bringing the bride to the house of the bridegroom comes, among other things, bestowing the groom. During the food pomschnik the feast (usually Barber), men serve cookies, and they give the groom the money, the manager every time vozglashaet in vseuslypanie: "It is given this much!" In response, expressed good wishes to all donors. On a good marriage before the war in a way to collect up to 500 or even up to 1000 rubles. The custom of "bestowing" the groom, as is well known, widely distributed in mn.narodov. It is the same as in Talyshs present at the wedding revelry (Armenians "Kanch, ie call, u Turks" coven ", etc.) give to the groom, or some amount of money, or predmety.hozyaystvennogo obzavedeniya -- among the Kurds, Armenians, Turks, Georgia. tribesmen, Turkish peoples S. Caucasus, etc. And everywhere getting presents loudly announced that those presented. Three days later, after the wedding "Daina" groom leads the bride to bring a spring or river water for the first time. On this day, the bride's parents are preparing food and sending them to the house of son-in-law. The first administration of newly water, as the act of joining a young business in the performance of duties for all people subject the well-known ritual. Ritual "march for water" in the custom of the Turkic peoples of the Caucasus, all the tribes east of western Georgia, the mountaineers of Dagestan, Chechen, Ingush, Abkhaz, Russians and many others. others. Funeral customs. At the funeral customs Talyshs left very little that can be considered a purely popular, preserved from the times of distant antiquity. Islam has managed to eliminate almost all alien to Islam. When the agony of death spread on the floor tsynovku, put the mattress on top of it, and in head-mutaku (rod | cylinder bag), and this put a dying bed, head to the south, to Mecca. Then connect big toes dying cotton, pull out of the Sava (slobber, it can not be), eyes slowly closing their wool, or just your hands, so that at the time of death the eyes were completely closed for centuries. At death the deceased immediately also covered in black cloth, and at the same time to send for Mullah. Ablution is performed usually donated dead relatives or neighbors. According to popular opinion, every person in your life should обмыть least one dead, for after death would be to wash it. Who is to wash the deceased should be after the funeral of a bathe in the river or in the bath. At the place where to wash the deceased, within half an hour or two light fixture - Chigarev one of the head, the other in the legs, the custom to light a fire on that. The place where the deceased was lying there and drugih.narodov; one, do it to drive out of the house of death, the others - to illuminate the path of the soul dead in eternity. This custom is observed among the Kurds of Azerbaijan, Armenians, Georgians, Abkhazians and many others. other people. After ablution deceased wrapped in shroud, which is fastened at three locations pull out from the same thread. Wealthy Talyshes of old brought from Persia to a savannah, covered with sacred inscriptions. The cemetery lies dead on a stretcher (saladzha "), composed of long poles. Graves had the direction from east to west. Deceased put his head to the west, on the right side, therefore, a person facing south. Lowered into the grave of the deceased lay the first short plank, laid across the grave, then bombard the earth. After the funeral, the participants returned to the house of the deceased, where lunch is served. By tradition, all the relatives and friends are required to visit the family of the deceased, and must bring with them, or dishes for the funeral, or a small amount of money to help the deceased's family for your funeral. Recently, natural care is replaced with cash. The custom of providing assistance to the family of a deceased person for your funeral so far observed in many Caucasian peoples: the Georgians K'art'lii and Kah! No! S, guriytsev, IMER, hevsur, pshavov, Svans Megrelia, as well as Abkhaz, Circassians, Chechen Ingush, Karachai, Balkaria, etc. Those who wash the deceased, gets his dress. - The custom, as we know, existed for some dr.narodov, for example., Abkhaz, etc. If the same dress more or less valuable, it gave the mullahs that they are hard to read in dead koran.-custom more prevalent. Clergy everywhere expresses its claim on the estate of the deceased; Armenian priest took away all the belongings of the deceased. Rich Talyshes before the revolution were wont to put on the grave of a deceased person tent in. which Mullah three days in succession to read the Koran, making it easier, you need to think beyond the grave wandering dead. The Koran is placed also in the house died, and within three days, all coming to the house to read a chapter in order. Funeral arranged in the 3 rd, 7 th and 40 th day after the funeral smerti.Godovye arranged annually for a long time. At the graves, according to custom obschemusulmanskomu pose a fabricated vertically small stones, sometimes, instead of ordinary stones, there are tombstone inscriptions. Something where you can watch and more original gravestones. At 1-1/2 miles from sel.Deryan in areas Kabursun, on top of the hill, I met an old cemetery, which, besides the usual tombstones, there were 5 graves with wooden houses on them, like Ridge roof or a small wooden shed, about 2 m.dliny, 1 3 / 4 meters width and 1 1 / 4 m.vysoty, gravestones in the form of wooden houses are also available at the cemetery sat. B. Issa. There are sometimes Talish graves and kmennye sculptures of rams, so frequent in the Azeri region of Kurdistan in Kurdish old graves, as well as in Armenia and Georgia. Photographic; shot of stone rams Talish available from, among other things, in 5.zhurn. "Science and Geography" in 1903, the number 10, in his article "On the South Caucasus", on these ashlars author says: "At these locations, calm above all catch the eye izvayannye of stone sheep. On each side of its artfully carved various Military dos ¬ pehi and household items. most common bow or a bow, a shield, a sword (curved and straight), a dagger, as the spears, darts, from household items - trays, pitchers, shoes. This same kind of stone figures of sheep , with similar zhe.izobrazheniyami, I've seen on the graves of ancient cemeteries Azerbaijani Kurdish Kurdistan during the trip in summer 1924. carved images of household items found on tombstones in old cemeteries Talish. The custom paint on tombstones predmety.hozyaystvennogo items, weapons, loschad etc., as is known, is widespread in many Caucasian peoples. It is to be noted that in many old cemeteries are Talish Caucasian palm plantations, or boxwood. Curiously, among other things, noted that the stone sculptures of rams at the old graves in Talysh used sometimes to fortune-telling. Thus, near the villages. Turbabyn, by the way, going from Turbabyna in the villages. Dygya, the old cemetery has a tombstone of its kind in the form of carved stone ram. Every passing is a small stone and throws back the ram. If the stone remains on the back of the case, which was traveler, or that he thought would be lucky if the same rock-falls, success will not happen. Because of this belief about the stone to draw a whole heap of sheep stones. Incidentally, I note, and another place in Talysh where divination is practiced in such a way, the same-stone-throwing. Location of this narrow passage between two rocks on the trail of villages. Monadygya, on their way to Zuvand. (This passage is called Ali chopan. Here in the rock, at an altitude of about 2 meters, there is little better, which is taking place in throwing stones. If the stone falls into an increase would be lucky. Divination These techniques essentially identical to those that had been in progress among residents g.Tiflisa, speculate about the future, according to pristanet whether the stone to smooth the door St.. David, or not. In conclusion, the result recorded by me, a legend explaining the origin of mounds, in the large number found in the northern part of the lowland Talish, and another to indicate Talyshs related to the unfair profit. Abandoned former inhabitants Talish mounds, a representation Talyshs associated with legendary heroes or giant "sipi-divami" t.-e. White divami. "Sipi-divov had seven brothers, all of whom have been huge growth and extraordinary force; to swallow when eating together on a ram. "Sipi-divas" looting and ruin neighbors, stealing their cattle, took property and beautiful women. In order to consolidate their rule over the rest of the country, "sipi-divas" were to erect a fortress - one at the top of the mountain near the village. Balabur, near Lenkoran (Balabyry-stool), another about Ark'evana. Remains of fortress Balabyry-kala survived until the present time; survived bricks on top of the mountain. Well aware that the device after the castles of "sipi-divov" absolutely will not be living, the people decided pomeshat.postroyke. Gathered in a number of armed people attacked the "sipi-divov. "Sipi-divas" called for assistance are subject to its giant-heroes. These are subject to sipi-divam, Bogatyrov wore at the time the land for construction. Upon receiving news of the popular indignation against the "sipi-divov, with the requirement of a hurry to help, vassal-Bogatyrs pobrasali its burden of land, everyone in the place where it caught the news. From nosh abandoned their land and formed burial mounds preserved until now. Part of "sipi-divov was extirpated risen people, some fled to forests, from which then produced a long attacks on civilians. Acquired ill-gotten, according to Talyshs in PPW is not. One ardebilsky charvodar bought a bag of rice in Lenkoran and took in Ardebil sell. The evening of his encounter in the woods and asked two men to sell the rice. Charvodar agreed. Buyers brought him to navyuchennoy horse in the woods. At the glade Charvodar sees a large collection of men and women, and among them many familiar: inhabited singing tantsovali.-We proposed entertainment. When charvodar woke up, was a day about him and nobody was, except for two people who bought his rice. The horse was standing there also, but without the pack. Charvodar said: "What do you have rice, but the money does not pay!" - "Do not worry," answered. One buyer wrote something charcoal on paper, offers and said: "We have no money, take this paper, go to the slaughterhouse in Lankaran, there among the many dogs you see a black with white neck, and it will look to the west. Show her paper and it razochtetsya. I went there. Indeed, among the mass slaughter of dogs in the city saw a black with a white neck. Shows her the paper. "Come on," said the dog. Is it in the city - and is not visible, except charvodara, bypassing the shops, in every corner of the carpet lifts, which is based on revenues, selects a certain amount and sends charvodaru also anyone invisible. He has already got a full lap money. I think that if those two that bought the rice, see how he took money for a bag, will select. Dog comfort: "Fear not, none of the money you did not select. I - the local meytasyb. Meytasyb - collector of tithes. All that the merchant will gain fraudulent means (obschitaet buyer, say, that I bought more expensive than it actually is, etc.), selected by his meytasybom. At each of: the market, according to Talyshs, there is such an invisible guardian of honesty - meytasyb. Therefore, asking the price of things, sometimes said trader: "Look, tell the truth, and then meytasyb hear!"
G.F. Chursin.