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Views: 16272 | Added by: talysh | Date: 07.08.2009 | Comments (75)

Some alazheny have husbands. Husband alazhen «kuleybany» - large shaggy creature with an enormous nose. Name Kuleybana vevropeyskuyu entered literature in the form of Caliban.
In addition alazhena, fatal to newborn creature is «Shashai». This is a small female type creature that is less a cat, black. Shashai attacking a child on the 6 th day after birth. She comes to the child who sits near the mouth and choking. In order to protect the child from Shashai, the 6-th day after birth, the room where the child with his mother, going to women and children throughout the night guard, not asleep, supported by all-night lights and close the child in the cradle of the fishing net. In that case, if, Pace aspirations woman fell asleep, it is necessary, in a room at the threshold to put bread and butter, then Shashai entered the room, eat bread and butter and do not t ... Read more »
Views: 2949 | Added by: talysh | Date: 03.13.2009 | Comments (0)

G.F.Chursin Talysh (ethnographic notes)

Proceedings of the Caucasian historical and archaeological society Tiflis 1926 Volume 4 (p.15-45)

Talysh, or as they call themselves, tolysh, inhabit the southern district of Lankaran, known as Talish, as well as adjacent areas of Persia (Guilan). Literature Talyshs very poor, and this is highly interesting people were still almost unexplored in ethnographic terms. Because of this, I would like to publish those poor, unfortunately, the material that I was able to gather during a visit to Talysh autumn of 1916, adding some of the latest statistical and other data. In o ... Read more »
Views: 4913 | Added by: talysh | Date: 03.13.2009 | Comments (0)


Iranian-speaking people living on the southwest shore of the Caspian Sea, in Russia, Azerbaijan, and Iran. They are mostly cattle breeders and Sunni Muslims. In Azerbaijan most of the Talysh are being assimilated. A Talysh khanate, semi-independent from Persia, was formed in the 18th century; it became Russian 1813 and was abolished 1826 (

Presentation of the Talysh people

According to Rudolf A. Mark, Die Völker der ehemaligen Sowjetunion (The Peoples of the former Soviet Union, 1989), the Talysh (own name: Talusch; Russian: Talyši; population: 22.000) are living in the counties of Len ... Read more »

Views: 1907 | Added by: talysh | Date: 01.12.2009 | Comments (1)


The Talysh number more than 600.000, of which 430.000 live in TALISHISTAN, a country included by Stalin's regime in the artificial, new made state of Azerbaijan in 1921. TALISHISTAN forms now the south-east of the Republic of Azerbaijan, near the Iranian border. The capital of TALISHISTAN is LENKORAN, other major towns are Lerig and Astara on the Iranian border The rest of the Talysh live across the border in the Iranian province of Gilan, in a long strip of territory along the Caspian coast, from Astara to the Rasht area. They occupy a land of sharp contrasts, ranging from the high, forested Talysh Mountains, to the subtropical coastal land along the Caspian Sea.

The Talysh refer to themselves as 'Talushon', and speak an Indo-European language (as Persian and Armenian....) afiliated to the Persian/Farsi language: The language is also called Talysh. Most of the Talysh Nation speaks its native language, plu ... Read more »

Views: 1122 | Added by: talysh | Date: 10.17.2008 | Comments (0)

Views: 1066 | Added by: talysh | Date: 09.12.2008 | Comments (0)

Views: 1976 | Added by: talysh | Date: 09.12.2008 | Comments (3)

Views: 1056 | Added by: talysh | Date: 09.12.2008 | Comments (0)

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Талышский язык
Большая советская энциклопедия
Талышский язык, язык талышей. Распространён на Ю. Азербайджанской ССР и в сопредельном Иране. Относится к северо-западной группе иранских языков. Имеет несколько говоров, главный из которых — ленкоранский. Язык аналитического строя. Специфические...Талыш

Талышское ханство
Большая советская энциклопедия
Талышское ханство, феодальное государство талышей в Азербайджане. Образовалось в середине 18 в. на юго-западном побережье Каспийского моря в связи с распадом державы Надир-шаха. Основоположником ханской династии был выходец из местной феодальной знати...

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